Main drug classes for treating prostate adenomas and prostatitis

- taking antibiotics;
- use of hormonal medications;
- Use alpha-blockers;
- immunomodulatory treatment;
- Take muscle relaxants and antispasmodics;
- Use of physical therapy methods;
- use of herbal preparations (herbal medicines);
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Alpha adrenergic blockers - what these drugs are and how they act on the male body

5-alpha reductase inhibitors – what is known about the mechanism of action of these drugs

Herbal preparations for the treatment of prostate adenomas
What are the treatments for prostate disease?

- injection– With their help, the activity of the prostate increases significantly. The most popular injectable medications are prostaglandins. This drug has a stimulating effect on the prostate and strengthens the body's immune and vascular systems.
- rectal suppositories– They help improve the metabolic processes of this organ. Patients must rest for 30-40 minutes after using these medications. Treatment of adenomas with suppositories can last from 5 to 10-12 days. Adverse reactions to some ingredients of the drug may occur in the form of rash or itching.
- Instillation– This type of treatment involves injecting medicinal fluids directly into the area where the prostate is located. This surgery, performed by a urologist, involves injecting medication into the urethra through the urethral opening. In one session, 4-5 ml of solution can be administered; before this procedure, the patient must empty the bladder cavity.
- Enema –It is difficult to find drugs for the treatment of prostatitis that can be used for enema in modern pharmacies. But the pharmaceutical industry produces many herbal preparations that deserve attention. This procedure is mainly performed before bed to avoid overcooling or overstressing the prostate after the enema. Motherwort, chamomile, sage or calendula are ideal for treating this condition. With the help of enemas, patients can get rid of pain and other symptoms of this disease, at least for a short time.
Prostatitis medicines in tablet form
- Antibacterial– Prescribed in cases where the cause of adenoma or prostatitis is an infectious lesion of the organ. The choice of drugs from this group is decided by the doctor treating the disease.
- Anti-inflammatory (medicine)– It is recommended to take these drugs for the treatment of prostatitis during the acute course of the disease to eliminate pain during urination.
- antispasmodic– These drugs for prostate adenoma effectively eliminate spasms and have a good relaxing effect on the muscles of the gland, thus activating blood circulation in this organ.